2019 open Board positions

Your DRIE Ottawa Executive Committee is in need of volunteers. 

We have two retirements, one resignation due to personal commitments and one position that has gone unfilled since the Director moved across the country.

If you are a professional in any of the following disciplines, and you want to give back to the profession that has provided you with a fulfilling career, then your DRIE Ottawa Chapter very much wants to hear from you. Speak to any of the DRIE Executive at our events, email any of us (see the contacts page of this website) or email Lisa - president@drieottawa.org.
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • IT Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Crisis Management
  • Emergency Management 
  • Risk Management
  • Information Security
  • Physical Security 
We have the following openings:
  • Marketing/Sponsorship Director
  • Website Director

A description of the duties for these roles can be found here:

The Marketing/Sponsorship Director is responsible for developing and maintaining marketing strategies and materials for promotional and recruitment purposes. They work closely with the Events Director and Treasurer regarding event logistics for sponsors and exhibitors.

    General Duties
  • Develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive marketing strategy and supporting program designed to attract and maintain sponsors, paying exhibitors and members
  • Develop new marketing materials (Videos, flyers…. etc.) to implement the above strategies, either personally or through a volunteer with the needed video and graphic arts skills or through a statement of work and contract with a specialist
  • Act as a point of contact between Chapter and sponsors & paying exhibitors for all correspondence except invoicing
  • Coordinate with Treasurer regarding the invoicing of sponsors and paying exhibitors
  • Provide names to Event Coordinator of sponsors and paying exhibitors for name tags
  • Work with Treasurer to resolve delinquent sponsor and paying exhibitor accounts payable issues
    Event Tasks
  • Present draft advertising materials to the EC three meetings prior to an event for approval
  • Ensure advertising materials are printed and distributed to EC & ES members as required two meetings prior to an event
  • Act as liaison with sponsors and paying exhibitors [with the Vice President]
  • Prepare and forward invitations and related sponsor and/or paying exhibitor documentation to sponsors and/or paying exhibitors

The Website Director is responsible for maintaining the chapter’s web presence.

    General Duties
  • Ensure that the website meets and supports the changing needs of the chapter’s executive and membership 
  • Oversee the management of the web site and ensures all web-based functions are restored or modified as required 
  • Liaise with contracted web service provider 
  • Implement or oversee web site structure, format and content updates 
  • Post content to the web site provided by EC and ES members 
  • Create and manage drieottawa.org email forwarders
Event Tasks
  • Ensure event and conference particulars, on the website, are up-to-date 
  • Post speaker information to the website pre and post each event 
  • Post speaker presentations to the website accessible to members only