2018 06 Anthony Paterson
Anthony Paterson, Director Security and Risk Management, Rhea Group
BIO - Tony works with Federal, Provincial and Municipal Government departments and agencies to identify security and business continuity threats and vulnerabilities and to develop plans, measures and arrangements to mitigate risk. Tony believes in making his clients security smart.
Tony holds an MBA from the University of Ottawa, is a Chartered Professional Accountant, a Certified Business Continuity Professional and an Organizational Risk Management Professional. He’s an ABCMOPR – Accountant Business Certified Chartered Continuity Management Organizational Professional Risk. He's not happy it ends in risk … but it does have a ring to it.
Presentation Title - I did the TRA why doesn’t anyone get it? click to find presentation
Synopsis - The presentation is not about how to do a TRA per se and while there will be anecdotes it is not about TRA findings and horror stories. The presentation will provide an overview of what a risk assessment is and how to make the results more understandable and meaningful. Pointing to a risk that is rated as a 42 and that’s highlighted in red just doesn't cut it. So let’s start with what the process is all about and who it's for in order to make the reporting on results more effective.
Key Points that an Attendee will take away from Tony's presentation:
- Understand the different terms and what the implications are for executives and decision making
- The differences between a subjective and objective assessment of risk
- Process and pitfalls
- How to improve engagement and buy-in