2019 09 Franz Kropp

Franz Kropp, Director, Generation, Portage Power, an affiliate of Hydro Ottawa Holding, Inc.  



BIO - As Director of Generation for Portage Power Franz Kropp is responsible for many of the facets related to both on-going operation and new developments. A graduate engineer, Franz has been with Energy Ottawa, now Portage Power, for just over 15 years and in the energy industry for 22 years. Portage Power is a private corporation but its single shareholder is the city of Ottawa.

Presentation  Title - Portage Power and the impact of Spring flooding

Synopsis - Franz will be speaking about Portage Power (an affiliate of Hydro Ottawa Holding, Inc.) and the recent experiences during Spring flooding, including the impact it has had on power generation, river management, and Business Continuity.

Key Points that an Attendee will take away from Franz presentation:

  • TBA